The Motherboard’s Kick Start to a New You! (Win $100)

We are so excited to start this new giveaway! wants to help you with life’s little challenges. Our Motherboard Moms agree that sticking to New Year’s resolutions is easier when they set small goals, keep their resolutions simple, and have the support of friends. This inspired us to design an easy action plan for setting small, fun goals to help us meet our resolutions. Each month we are posting a challenge to help us live a more fulfilling life. The challenge topic is designed to give you a place to start. You get to set your own goal and can achieve it however you want. This is going to be a ton of fun – I hope you join us!

Did I Mention You Could Win $100?

Here’s a little extra incentive! Each month we are giving away a $100 Walmart gift card from January to June. All you have to do is comment each month about what the monthly goal means to you and how you’re trying to make it happen.

Join us on,, or today. Then keep checking back each month for new goals and to fill us in on how you’re doing.

January Challenge: Make More Time for Family

Example goals: have at least one family game night, take your daughter out for pedicures, schedule in family-time once a week, say “no” to other obligations so you can stay home, and so many more!

Mom Bloggers – Keep Us Updated

Are you mom blogger? Comment below with a link to your blog post mentioning The Motherboard’s “Kick Start to a New You” and stating what your goals are for the January challenge and we will post a link to your blog below! We’d love to hear more about your goals and adventures in meeting them. Don’t forget to join us in one of the communities above to be entered into the $100 gift card giveaway.

Plus, find us on Twitter and let us know your post is live. We’d love to RT your tweet!


~ Ashley from The Motherboard

About motherboardmoms

The Motherboard is mom-to-mom intelligence inspired by everyday women like you. We love your tips, opinions, & stories - keep 'em coming!
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3 Responses to The Motherboard’s Kick Start to a New You! (Win $100)

  1. Amy Pasinski says:

    My blog post was titled “It’s A New Year” and my main goal for 2011 was to stop (or realistically do less) yelling. It’s achievable and will benefit our entire family. It’s loud with 5 kids and my yelling to make it quieter..only makes it louder!

    So far, this Kick Start has been going great! I’m trying!!!!

  2. Christina says:

    I was just informed that even though I’m considered “underweight” by Dr.’s standards, I am however, flabby. I do have some loose skin from having two daughters, but I didn’t think of myself as “flabby”. I have to say I am devastated to have had this brought to my attention. Now, I feel like I have to workout like a mad person. I don’t know how to handle these feelings, it’s not my fault this happens when you have kids, but does some loose skin constitute someone as being “flabby”? So, that is my frustration for the day, it has nothing to do with raising kids, but it does come with having them.

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